
Common Types of Pest Control Methods

Pest Control Methods

Tropical countries such as Singapore are a haven for insects to survive and thrive all year long. While some insects are necessary for the ecosystem balance, some insects have overpopulated and become pests; which is why we need pest control for our wellbeing.

If you are confused about the kinds of pest control method suitable for your specific home, we will be giving you insight into the common types of pest control methods to help you pick the appropriate solution for your needs.

Why Do We Need Different Types of Pest Control Methods

As we know, there are various types of pests in Singapore that invade our properties. The most common pests found in homes are:

● Cockroaches

● Termites

● Flies

● Mosquitoes

● Rodents

These pests must be eliminated from our homes because not only are they a nuisance but pests are also harmful to the health and safety of ourselves and our loved ones. Moreover, these pests could carry transmittable life-threatening diseases as well.

With these different types of pests, using the right pest control methods will be effective and ensure the longevity of the effect of treatment. The pest control method is not a one-size-fits-all as the pest will react differently to the treatment being used.

What Are The Different Pest Control Methods  

There are various types of pest control methods; however, we will be giving you an insight into the most common approach to controlling pests used in Singapore. So here are 4 biological methods of controlling pests:

Registered Pesticides  

Before a pesticide is registered, it has to go through an extensive evaluation before it is approved. These pesticides contain products that can be obtained easily by anyone and chemicals that are only accessible to pest control professionals.

For a pesticide to be registered, the process involves:

● the review of the ingredients

● the location of the pesticide will be used

● the frequency of the pesticide usage

● how the pesticide will be disposed of

Another evaluation of the public’s health and safety is also heavily considered. Whether this pesticide is harmful to the health, both long-term and short-term of the people, including animals and plants, will affect getting approval for the pesticide.

Insect Growth Regulator 

This pest control method prevents the insects from reaching maturity from an egg to an adult. The most common lifecycle of an insect is:

● Egg

● Larva

● Pupa

● Adult

With an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), it will

● Prevent the egg from hatching when exposed to IGR

● Cause the larva that has been exposed to IGR to die as a larva

● Prevent a pupa that has been exposed to IGR from hatching and reproducing while also dying as a pupa

The downside of the Insect Growth Regulator is that it is not effective on adult insects; however it works on breaking the lifecycle of most insect pests, especially cockroaches.


This pest control method is only temporary and can also be used to keep general pests away from your home. As we know and are familiar with insect repellents, it helps prevent mosquito bites whether we are indoors or outdoor.

Mosquitoes are generally attracted to body odours and the carbon dioxide that we exhale. The mosquitoes can seek out possible hosts by using heat, movement, and visual cues. Applying insect repellent to our bodies will affect the senses of the mosquitoes, like taste and smell; which will prevent them from finding a host.

While natural insect repellents are generally the public’s choice, their effectiveness can sometimes be lacking if it is not applied frequently. According to the National Environment Agency (NEA), for protection from mosquitoes, it is vital to pick an insect repellent that contains:

● Deets

● Picaridin

● IR3535


To communicate with each other, insects use pheromones to:

● Attract mates

● Warn other insects about the danger

● Find food

Using pheromones as a pest control method will confuse the insects and attract them to a different area in your home, especially if you want to keep them away from food. For maximum effectiveness of this method, it is best to use pheromones and a pheromone trap to make eliminating pests in your home simpler.

Do keep in mind that different pheromones are available for different kinds of pests, and this method is not a ‘one for all’ solution as a pest control method.

If you require more information about the different kinds of pest control methods, then PestBusters is the right specialist. Contact us at 65-3163-4415 or enquire online today.